Welcome to PQDI
Project Quarm Database Interface
Other Resource Sites:
- The EverQuest Show
- Project1999 Wiki - because user written data has a lot more pizzazz than database queries
- Allakhazam - I learned to spell this word early on because I didn't know how to bookmark
- EQ Traders Corner - the only way I learned anything about tradeskills
- Almar's Guides - consistently good guides through the ages
- EQ Atlas - so much easier to print these instead of drawing your own maps
- EQ Casters Realm - it's a wayback link, but it was once a wealth of info
- The SafeHouse - as a rogue main back in the day, this was the place to be
- Everlore - another wayback link, used to have a lot of great info
Quarm Community Projects:
- Zeal - fix your camera, and so much more
- EQ Tunnel Auctions - price check on Quarm!
- QuarmTool - PigParse, but make it Quarm
- KaichoFX Particle Effects - classic spell particle effects. (credit to iraLeePNG)
- EQ-Basic texture pack - credit to Nokts
- qqui Calmethar Edition - a rework of qqui tailored to Project Quarm
- Loot Drop Simulator - try your luck! (credit to Icestorm)
- QRustle UI - by Tritina (in game and PQ discord)